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## Features 特征 - Plain-text based bookmarking. No fancy images or graphics. 基于纯文本的书签。没有花哨的图像或图形。 - Tags. Organize your bookmarks with multiple tags. 标签。使用多个标签组织您的书签。 - Private. All bookmarks are private by default. 私人。默认情况下,所有书签都是私有的。 - Sharing. Tag your friends (@username) to share bookmarks with them. 共享。标记您的朋友 (@username) 以与他们分享书签。 - One-click bookmarking. Save bookmarks with a single click, using our bookmarklet. 一键添加书签。使用我们的书签,单击一下即可保存书签。 - Import bookmarks. Bring in all your bookmarks from other services or browsers. 导入书签。从其他服务或浏览器导入所有书签。 - Export bookmarks. Not happy with us? Export all your bookmarks anytime. 导出书签。对我们不满意?随时导出所有书签。 - Works on any device with an internet connection and browser. 适用于任何具有互联网连接和浏览器的设备。 - Free unlimited bookmarks. No limits on storage. 免费无限的书签。对存储没有限制。 开源地址:[https://github.com/vasanthv/webtag](https://github.com/vasanthv/webtag)

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